Saturday, March 30, 2013

Tomboy vs. Girly Girl

Two of my 3 children are girls; the oldest, Bella and the youngest, Annie.  They are completely opposite. 

Halloween 2012
Bella playing b-ball with the boys.
When Bella was 2, my mom bought her a baby doll and a play shopping cart.  The baby doll went untouched.  My husband bought her a baseball and bat....that she picked up right away. 

She was a natural.  When she was 2 1/2 she started to refuse to wear dresses, and insisted we call her 'Bella' as opposed to her full name: Isabelle.  We thought it was adorable....a true Tomboy. 

She had no interest in my make-up, hated having her nails painted, and would cry if I tried to do anything remotely cute with her long, beautiful hair.  As she got older the tomboy in her got more pronounced.  She wanted short hair when she was 4, wouldn't wear anything on her feet besides tennis shoes, would rather play golf in the back yard with daddy, wanted to wear board shorts and no shirt instead of a bikini (or even a one piece). 
She wanted to be a superhero, a power ranger, wolverine, tiger, a bear.  I had bought her a big, pink, ruffly princess dress when she was 3 and she never wore it.  So, we had a little tomboy.  A BEAUTIFUL tomboy I might add.  
Make-up is a usual at play dates.
Now, fast forward 6 years. 

Into the world, like a true drama queen entered ANNIE!  Drama, Drama, Drama.  She is now 4 1/2 and if you ask anyone she's ever been in contact with, they'd tell you she is one of the girliest girls you'll ever meet. 
Everything is bejeweled, bedazzled, pink, fluffy, and covered with lip gloss.
Annie's been walking in high heels since she was 20 months old (seriously), playing in make-up and the self proclaimed queen of our household. Where on earth did she come from?  I know I'm not THAT girly.  She has a zillion baby dolls, even more barbies, every princess movie made by Disney, and has over 10 tutus hanging in her closet.

Trying on every pair of high heels.

Great story, Nadine......what's the point? 

Though there are many, many mistakes Mike and I have made as parents, I think encouraging our girls to be who they are is one of our greatest successes.  Neither of them have been compared to each other or told they have to be something different.  We've let Bella run around the yard without a shirt on and let Annie wear make-up in public....we've told them they're both beautiful and talented and loved.  The result is 2 girls who are happy and confident.

Bella & Annie


  1. Love this post! You have such beautiful girls and each unique, with wonderful talents! That Annie sure does love her pink, ruffles, dedazzled and everything girly, I have seen her in action!!

    1. She sure is going to miss Gracie! They are quite the pair! :)
