It's almost Mother's Day.....which means, if you have school aged children, you'll most likely receive handmade gifts and cards! I love these gifts. They're honestly my favorite. I use the clay bowl like things they form and paint to put my jewelry in and frame the pictures they paint even thought I'm not exactly sure what it is they have painted. One of my favorite things to get are the cards. I like when teachers ask them questions about me and write down their answers. I was talking to a friend the other day and we came up with 2 types of answers the children give: #1 they give answers that are actually about them....example: 'Mommy's favorite game to play: "baby dolls!"' and #2 they give away your deepest, darkest secrets.
Yes. Your children tell their teachers EVERYTHING. Besides you, your children are with their teachers the most and they trust them. By trade, I am a teacher. I stopped working outside the home when I had my 3rd child. My last experience teaching was with 4 and 5 year old children. You wouldn't believe what I know about their parents. I know that one girl's mommy "doesn't like it when daddy goes golfing because he always drinks beer" and a little boy's grandpa was so "stopped up, he needed special medicine." And one more doozy for you: one little girl's mommy "had a boob job". What ever you say, they tell us. Even if you think they aren't listening. Even my kids have done it. Earlier this year at school, Annie was playing in the kitchen area and there were bottle shaped drinking containers......if I remember correctly, she said something like, "oh, would you like some beer?" Her teachers got a laugh out of that one.
My most recent Mother's Day card revealed that my favorite food is macaroni. You may be thinking, oh, she answered that question with her own answer. Well, actually, no. Though macaroni may not be my FAVORITE food, I do eat it quite often and I do love it and she does notice. This isn't homemade macaroni. It isn't even organic macaroni. It's good ol' Kraft macaroni, straight from the box. Healthy as ever. All the while I'm "watching what I eat" haha. The card also revealed that my favorite t.v. shows are: "grown-up movies". That's what I tell her when she asks if she can watch a show (Grey's Anatomy) with me...."no honey, you can't watch this, it's a grown up movie." Thank GOD she didn't mix up the words 'grown up' with 'adult'.....I probably would have gotten called into the school. All her answers were very cute and true.....and her last answer was the best: What does mommy do after she drops you off at school? "She goes home and does laundry and cleans the kitchen". Hahaha! Score 1 point for looking like I have it all together!!!
Though it may be too late this year, remember for next year to start "behaving" a few weeks before Mother's Day so your cards will reveal some not so embarrassing answers. Oh, and if you don't want your child's teacher to know something, don't tell your child. :)
So, Happy Mother's Day to all you mom's out deserve it.
P.S. Thank your child's teacher today because despite what they know about you, they still love your child. :)
For Laughs, Here are some Mother's Day cards I found on Pintrest......
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